Remove the
damaged device unit (hard disk drive, flash memory (memory card, USB
stick, etc.), RAID, USB, tape, etc.).
Wrap the device (hard disk drive, flash memory , RAID, Zip, Jaz ...)
carefully with antistatic material if available. Otherwise use bubble
wrap, foam or similar.
If you send us any unnecessary complement for
Data Recovery process (PCs, laptops,
external enclosures, RAID boxes, cases, etc.), you must prepay the
amount of 100� + VAT 21 % by way of device removal and storage of
components. This condition also applies in cases where the device has
been manipulated previously.
* All devices that have
keys, passwords and / or are encrypted (coded), SED, FDE, SES ... ALWAYS
have a Fixed Cost Diagnostic 300 � + VAT 21% (for standard service) and
the price of discs data recovery will also vary the tariffs for these
devices, so we will offer you a personalized quote in each case. (For
emergency services, consulting).
Take a box, fill it about half of some material that cushions: foam,
bubble plastic, cork. Place your device and an information sheet on
the device and your contact details, and cover with more material
until it is fully protected:
* Your personal information (full name of the responsible of the
drive, full address, contact phone numbers, e-mail, etc..) and the
INFORMATION (as applicable):What Problem/s or symptoms
shows the hard disk drive or device.
What Operating System was installed.
Partition number and type (FAT32, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3, etc).
Relevant information: location of information (folders where
it was), file names, file types. (We ask this because sometimes it is
not possible to retrieve all information from the device, and we try to
recover the most important data for the customer.)
In the case of SIM cards and phones, the customer must provide us
the PIN code.
Desired service: standard, express or urgent. (See Terms and Prices of
each service)
Missing information may
cause delays in the process of
Data Recovery.
Close the box, tape it shut, print the address label of
Recuperadata and paste it on the box so it is fully visible:
Send the device with your postal office service or the delivery company
you prefer (shipping costs must be assumed by you).
See now how to
with Recuperadata:
Data Recovery specialists. |